Happy new year!

This post is strictly for all my fellas who celebrated their new year on 25th Jan,2018.

 For all those unaware and before you start to question on what made us postpone the new year by 25days and why were we missing since last 1 month.

Let me tell you, we were busy crying,cursing,struggling,juggling beneath those huge piles of books. We were busy figuring out,how many “10 years” questions were to be read after sorting those 10 years according to their appearances and reappearances within those last 10 years :p And after a lot of thorough investigation, we landed up in not less than 100-200 questions to be studied per subject.

So yes, one word for all, we were busy ruining our new year!! We were busy struggling first 15 days to somehow manage to finish theories later to get ourselves rediculed by externals and internals by giving 5-6 vivas per day.

And we finished that too, day by day, proudly we managed that too, and turned the last page of the book.

 The only wish is all pass with flying colours,coz as I always say, this wasnt the struggle of one year,but of 4 and a half years.

 So,happy new year to everyone out here!
 Enjoy your vacation ;)


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